Xukuumadda oo Guddi sare u Magacawday Qaban-qaabada Shirka Dib-u-Heshiisiinta Jubba


Iyadoo laga amba-qaadayo Heshiiskii 27-kii August 2013 ku dhex maray magaalada Addis Ababa Dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba, oo ahaa tallaabo horumar leh oo loo qaaday dhinaca Federaaleynta, Xasilinta Dalka iyo kalsooni-dhisidda dadka Soomaaliyeed;

Si loo fuliyo, loogana gun-gaaro dhamaan qodobbadii ku xusnaa heshiiskaas;

Iyadoo la cusksanayo Qodobka Afraad ee Heshiiska ee khuseeya Dib-u-Heshiisiinta iyo Kalsooni-dhisidda;

Ku-simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, ahna Wasiirka Khayraadka Dalka, Mudane Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Cumar wuxuu magacaabay guddi heer sare ah oo qaban-qaabin doona wejiga koobaad ee Shirka Dib-u-heshiisiinta oo lagu qaban doono Muqdisho 5-ta bisha Oktoobar 2013, iyadoo qeybta labaad ee nabad-dhisidda ahna  lagu qaban doono magaalada Kismaayo.

Magacyada Xubnaha Guddiga:-

1.    Mudane Cabdikariim Xuseen Guuleed

Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo  Amniga Qaranka/Guddoomiyaha Guddiga

2.    Mudane Cabdullaahi Ciilmooge Xirsi

Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Gaadiidka

3.    Mudane Cabdixakiin Maxamuud Xaaji Faqi

Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga

4.    Mudane Faarax Sheekh Cabdulqaadir

Wasiiru-Dawlaha Madaxtooyada

5.    Mudane Cabdishakuur Cali Mire

Wasiir ku-xigeenka Warfaafinta,  Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Gaadiidka

6.    Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Kulmiye Xirsi

Wasiir ku-xigeenka Gaashaandhigga

7.    Mudane Axmad Cabdisalaam Xaaji Aaden

Danjiraha Soomaaliya u Fadhiya dalka Itoobiya

8.    Mudane Aaden Ibraahim Aw Xirsi

La-taliyaha Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Dhinaca Siyaasadda/Xoghaynta Guddiga

Waxaa ay xukuumada Federaalka ee Soomaaliya u mahad-celineysaa dhamaan dhinacyadii ka qeyb-qaatay fududeynta heshiiskii Addis Ababa ee 27, August 2013, gaar ahaan Guddoonka Golaha Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibedda ee IGAD.

Sidoo kale, Xukuumada Soomaaliya waxay dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaaqaysaa in ay af iyo addinba ku taageeraan dhaqan-galka heshiiskan taariikhiga ah, xubnaha guddigana waxaa la farayaa in ay si hawlkarnimo leh uga soo dhalaalaan hawshan muhiimadda weyn qaranka u leh ee fulinteeda loo igmaday.


Press Release

Somali Government Appoints an Organizing Committee for the Jubba Reconciliation Conference

Mogadishu, September 25, 2013

In light of the provisions of the Agreement between the Federal Government of Somalia and Jubba Interim Administration signed in Addis Ababa on 27 August 2013 which the government of Somalia deems a positive step towards the federalization, stabilization and confidence building among the Somali communities;

To fully implement and successfully execute all the provisions in the Agreement;

Citing the Fourth Article of the Agreement concerning Reconciliation and Confidence Building;

The Acting Prime Minister and the Minister of National Resources, Abdirizak Omer Mohamed hereby appoints a high level committee to organize and execute the first phase of the Reconciliation Conference due to take place in Mogadishu on October 5, 2013. The second phase of the reconciliation conference which will focus on peace-building will be held in Kismayo.

The Federal Government of Somalia also welcomes the participation of IGAD in the launching of the milestone reconciliation conference.

Names of the Committee Members:-

1.      Mr. Abdikarim Hussein Guled

Minister of the Interior and National Security/Committee Chair

2.      Mr. Abdullahi Elmoge Hersi

Minister for Information, Telecommunication, Postal Services and Transportation

3.      Mr. Abdihakim Haji Mohamud Faqi

Minister of Defense

4.      Mr. Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir

State Minister for Presidency

5.      Mr. Abdishakur Ali Mireh

Deputy Minister for Information, Telec. Postal Services, and Transportation

6.      Mr. Abdirahman Kulmiye Hirsi

Deputy Minister of Defense

7.      H.E. Ahmed Abdisalam Haji Aden

Somali Ambassador to Ethiopia

8.      Mr. Aden Ibrahim Aw Hirsi

Senior Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister/Committee Secretary

The Federal Government of Somalia is grateful to all the good offices that took part in the realization of this Agreement with the office of the Chair of IGAD Council of Foreign Ministers at the forefront.

Similarly, the Federal Government of Somalia calls upon the Somali communities concerned to sincerely contribute to the success of this conference verbally and materially. The members of this committee are instructed to discharge diligently and accordingly this highly significant national duty.

Thank You,

The Acting Prime Minister
and the Minister of National Resources,

Abdirizak Omer Mohamed
Mogadishu, Somalia

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