UNHCR Identify Six New Areas Of Return For Voluntary Refugees -INO


Muqdisho(INO)-UNHCR have opened six new districts in Southern Somalia to help enhance voluntary repatriation of Somali refugees in Kenya, a tripartite commission to oversee the return said.

In joint statement released by the commission said the six new districts will extend provision of return and reintegration assistance to Somali refugees.

The new districts are Mogadishu, Afgoye, Baladweyne, Bal’ad ,Jowhar and Wanle Weyne.This is in addition to the existing areas of return Kismaayo,Luuq and Baidoa.

UNHCR said the new areas are safe and accessible to humanitarian and development assistance.

The commission said they will support other refugees who are willing to return to Somalia.

On April this year, UNHCR, Kenya and Somalia formed tripartite commission that will oversee the repatriation of Somalia refugees at the Dadaab Camp.

So far, more than 2,000 Somali refugees have voluntarily returned to Somalia through the tripartite agreement.

Kenya government accused the refugee camps of harboring terrorist and is demanding the closure of the camps.

Idale News Online, Muqdisho


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