Dadaab is the world’s largest refugee camp that hosts more than 350,000 refugees, majority of them from Somalia.
The United Nations (UN) high commissioner for refugees, Filippo Grandi visited the Camp on Friday amid firm government stance that the camp will be closed before the end of the year.
Refugees like Habiba Abdulman have spent nearly their entire life in the camp. She, like many others, wants to return to Somalia one day but only when it is safe for her family.
In 2013, a tripartite agreement between UNHCR, Kenya and Somalia was signed to help Somali refugees with voluntary returns. To date, more than 14,000 have gone back.
“The best solution for Somali refugees and in fact, any refugees, is to go back in safety and dignity to their own country, on a voluntary basis according to international principles and in the context of the tripartite arrangement that exists between Kenya-Somalia and UNHCR as a facilitation agency,” said Grandi.
The high commissioner’s three-day visit includes Kenya and Somalia where he will meet with leaders of nations, refugees, as well as Somalis who have returned to their country.
He assured the refugees that UNHCR continues to stand with them and that it would work to make sure their plight is not ignored.