UN monitoring group clears Somoil and Gas executive director for Africa Mr. Hassan Khaire for links with extremist groups


The  UN Monitoring Group for Somalia and Eritrea through a confidential letter to Somali government and UN Security Council dated 9th of this June, cleared Mr Hassan Khaire for links with East Africa extremist groups.

Concluding 12 months investigation, the group found no credible evidence of such links ‘The Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group has investigated links between Mr. Hassan Khaire and extremist groups. I wish to confirm that the SEMG  has not found credible evidence of such links and that, in the absence of any new information received by the SEMG clearly demonstrating such links, we now consider this line of inquiry to have reached a conclusion’ said in letter addressed to Somali government.

Soma Oil & Gas previously dismissed SEMG investigation, saying that Mr Khaire has nothing to do with any extremist groups.

‘Mr Khaire does not have any links with East African extremist groups including al-Shabaab. He has no link or affiliation to any known terrorist organisation or member of a terrorist organisation. [Such] suggestions are highly damaging and defamatory.”

Several other Somali nationals mention SEMG report last year for links with terrorist groups wait their names to be cleared.