The Prime minister appooints a fact finding commeitte


The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia H.E. Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke has today appointed a Fact Finding Committee to look into allegations made against Security Agencies.

This Ministerial Committee is comprised of as follows:
1. Minister of Justice – Abdullahi Ahmed Jama
2. Minister for Internal Affairs and Federal – Adirahman Mohamed Hussein
3. Minister for Security – Abdirizaq Omar Mohamed
4. Commander of the Custodial Corps – General Bashir Mohamed Jama
This Committee will look into and investigate allegation weight against the Security Agencies using children who defected from Al Shabab as spies as alleged in some news portals.

The Federal Government would like to affirm that it has in the past and now extended pardon to any person who defects from the terrorist group Al Shabab.

And in particular the brainwashed children who defect are granted protection and rehabilitation program back into the society.

Hence utterly refuting and contradicting these allegations.