A member of Southwest parliament, Mahad Cabdi Dhoore Mahad Abdi Dhore said on Saturday that AMISOM troops will be held accountable for civilian deaths in Lower Shabelle region, accusing the African Union troops of ‘’recklessly’’ civilian killings. on Saturday idale News Online, Reperts
Local residents of Bulamareer said Saturday that the Ugandan contingent under the framework AU mission killed four civilians including 85 years old woman before the troops gouged the eyes of the four.
Dhore strongly condemned the death of the civilians and said that Ugandan peacekeepers have no any mandate of killing civilians.
‘Ugandan forces have been carrying out recklessly killing in the region and dozens have died for no reasons” said Dhore
‘’If they think that no one will come after them for this crime, we will hold account AMISOM troops for this unlawful crime. We will not allow our civilians to be killed in such a harsh and unacceptable way,’’ he said.