South West Salvation Council Mission In Puntland – SSC


Garowe(INO)- After having serious talks and meetings by the SSC members in diaspora and Inside the country and exchanged the ideas and thoughts how to prevent the ongoing human rights violations on South-western people live in Puntland particularly IDPs in the main principle towns of Puntland State.

After having considered the constant concerns from the south-western people in Puntland that they claim that they are subjected to inhuman acts such destroying their bushes houses, business activities and abuses of torture at the checkpoints in main road linked Galkaio and Garowe, emotional abuses and disregards.

The South West salvation Council has decided to send a high level delegation to Puntland Government to have talks regarding all about the issues and concerning of the DigilMirifle Community in Puntland.

The Mission:

The mission staff consisted of three persons and they came from inside and outside of Somalia;

  1. Aisha Qasim from Minesota USA
  2. Idris AdbiTaktar Deputy Chair of SSC
  3. Ali Mohamed Yusuf (alishukur) G. Secretary of SSC

The mission objectives were to:

  • address the needs and concerns of the southwestern community live in Puntland
  • mobilize and sensitize the southwestern community to collaborate and live together with their host community of Puntland.
  • talk with the Puntland Government and make sure opening space of collaboration and cooperation with the southwestern community live in Puntland traditional elders and Puntland Isims (Traditional elders)
  • visit the jails of Puntland

Day 1 Mission:  on Tuesday April 5, 2016.

I, Ali and Idris as the representative of the offices of South West Salvation Council SSC in Baidoa and Mogadishu have started a long trip to Puntland, Garowe was our destination, because one of our member in the mission Ms. Aisha form USA, was waiting us in Garowe as she had already prepared all necessary requirements from the council to diplomatically deal with the Puntland Government including invitation to SSC.

In Mogadishu waiting to the aeroplane had taken long time as we entered airport early 6:00 am while the airplane was possibly arrived in Mogadishu airport around 11:30 and the take-off time became 12:00 pm to its way on Galkaio.

Apparently, 1:45 pm local time we landed on the Abdullahi Yusuf airport in Galkaio, after checking out, we properly manage to hire a carlocaly known as Market to Garowe. We did not even get a lunch we assumed that Garowe is very near. But, fortunately we bought some drinks from a tea-shop at the airport, then we immediately headed on our way to Garowe.

During in our way to Garowe there were a lot of communications to our hand cells from our friends, relatives, clients, chief of Rewung in Puntland and our wives and children to know where we are. We had ignored most of the calls  we decided to answer only the calls from the Cheifs of Rewung community in Garowe.

As the result of latest incident of attack and conflict between Puntland and Al-shabab the road between Galkaio and Garowe the security is tight and more checkpoints to interview the travellers, if the solders recognise somebody of though male, at the same time has the background from southern Somalia especially speaks Maay, it is too difficult to easily free him and continue his travel, he remains custody perhaps days. We have had all about these information and also human rights violations that taking place in the main principle towns in Puntland. During our travel in the road the traditional elders in Garowe were informed us to take care of ourselves during the trip, because, some civilian puntlandese extremist bleivers mostly women and young are aggressively attacked to the people speaks Maay who have small business in the towns such as Burtinle, Galdogob, Qardho and Garowe itself where is the capital of Puntland and the government officials reside. In some towns like Goldogob death incidents happened as young street vendor of southwestern community was attacked a group of young armed punlandese and they asked that we are looking for Rahaweyn who are you? He said I am Rahaweyn that youa are looking for. He immediately we shot on the spot as the traditional elders of Reewung live in Garowe told. All these incidents happened after when Al-shabab attacked to Puntland.

However, after a long journey we arrived savely in Garowe at 9:00 pm evening and at New Rays Hotel in which our collegue Aisha was reside.

Thank you, this is a day one mission.

Idale News Online, Garowe


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