Somaliland President meets Ethiopian prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn in Addis Sababa


Somaliland president Mahmoud Ahmed Sillayo with several members of his cabinet reached on Friday the Ethiopian capital Addis Sabab for two days official visit in the country.

The leader of secessionist state in northern regions of Somalia and the Ethiopian Prime minister discussed trade, security and counter terrorism efforts, among other things.  Somaliland President spokesman, Hussien Adan Ege.  has said.

“The President received an official invitation from the Ethiopian Minister Hailemariam Desalegan for two days visit in the capital; the president will meet with prime minister and members of his cabinet. The two countries share a number of mutual interests including, development, trade and security” said the Silanyo Hussien Aden Ege.

Ethiopian government did not say anything about the invitation of Siilanyo, but security analysts say Ethiopian government needs assurance from Somaliland not to offer any assistance to Oromo protestors and activists, who sometimes cross the border with Somaliland.