Somalia: Omenous Portents


Somalia is passing through a crucial and critical times as the country prepares to undergo a complicated and less well organized parliamentary and presidential elections which are hastily and belatedly taken after the current parliament failed to endorse the program of the election put forward by President Hassan and his premier.

Then the President took unilateral action to jump over or ignore the parliament and called for elections to be held in August-September 2016, which was astonishingly welcomed by the UN, EC and the front line states who are practically running unholy alliance of sabotaging any attempt to rebuild Somalia and resurrect a unified nation-state.

The nearly 4 years reign of the current government in Somalia, it is amazing that nothing tangible was implemented or achieved despite amble opportunities in terms of millions of dollars poured into the country as donations, millions of dollars generated internally and relative security.

During the 4 years President Hassan and his government  has been in the saddles of power, a number of countries have renewed their diplomatic relations with Somalia but internally the political and social situations have been murky, very divisive, confrontational and outright national treachery.

President Hassan and his premier’s dealings with the front line states have been extremely weak, unpatriotic and appeared to be giving in to blackmail and unqualified arrogance by the front line states.

Most thinking and patriotic Somalis are profoundly dismayed and annoyed that the current government in Somalia has horribly failed in their national duties with Somalia’s national territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence being compromised.

As things stand now, the so-called 2016 national election is fraught with so many irregularities, uncertainties and security related worries. The most contentious issues are how the delegates electing the would be MPs will be selected and the establishment of so-called upper -house(senate chamber).

The so-called upper-house is not necessary in Somalia at this moment in time.The role of tribal based administrative enclaves in the selection of MPs delegates is another murky issue which will create confusion and disparities due to the dictatorial nature of those who govern those tribal based enclaves.

The other deeply worrying is the unparalleled influence by the front lines states in the internal affairs of Somalia. Both the front line states are doing and trying their utmost to undercut the resurrection of Somalia to its original glory, national territorial integrity, unity and sovereignty, national pride, etc. Both front line states want a Somalia that is wholly fragmented, weak beyond repair and a Somalia that is ultimately under their hegemony, control and subjugation.

Conclusions: It is with great concern and deeply worrying the way President Hassan and Premier Omar are leading Somalia to. It appears that on their watch, Somalia will further face disarray, fragmentation, domination by front line states and most certainly further instability and social strives.

Somalia belongs to Somalis and must be engineered and run by Somalis without outside meddling in its internal affairs. Somalis have nothing to learn from either Ethiopia and Kenya as they are both primitive dictatorships who carry out daily violations of human rights on their own citizens.

What is greatly foreboding and omenous portents that will create earthquake will be how the International Court of Justice in the Hague decide the right of the sea between Somalia and Kenya. Kenya’s claim to the sea of Somalia is fake and unlawful and no true Somali government will ever accept it.

It is curious that the date of hearing the sea case was fixed in September 19, 2016 because on that date there will be no Somali government  and Somalia will be in election process !!  The other foreboding issue is that the EC cut off salary to the African troops in Somalia and the Somali army has not received any wages for months.

All of these highly politically motivated measures are happening at this time when Somalia is conducting and preparing itself for national elections. This can be construed that those countries who are heavily involved in Somalia’s internal affairs led by Ethiopia and Kenya, want Somalia to go under and be colonized by the front line states.

If I would give a sincere advice to President Hassan and Premier Omar, my advice would be please don’t seek any further high national position and leave Somalia’s political scene with grace.

By Abdicad M-Cigale