Somali Youth ready to take part in the country’s policy and politics.

Somali Youth ready to take part in the country’s policy and politics.
Somali students from around Turkey have gathered in Istanbul, where a large conference was held.
The conference organized by Somali Voice Organization aimed at addressing the role of youth in Somalia’s recovery process as well as youth involvement in the country’s governance and leadership. Prominent people from around the world were invited to give their remarks on youth involvement in the country’s policy and politics.
Among the guest speakers was Mr. Jibril Ibrahim Abdulle a veteran humanitarian official who served various non-governmental & humanitarian organizations for several years, and lately CRD and also a leader of Somalia’s civil society groups. In his talk Mr. Jibril emphasized the need for youth involvement in governance and leadership in the near future. “Success becomes impossible for a society that disengages seventy-plus percent of its population” he said. To prove the readiness of the youth, it’s apparent that today significant numbers of Somali youth are enlightened, developed valuable talents hence ready to assume responsibilities and take charge of the country’s affairs. Therefore, there’s urgent need for youth involvement in running the country if there has to be considerable change.
Mowlid who is among the young people who attended the conference said “We the youth will not hesitate to line up behind leaders whom we feel can carry our vision and mission” also among other participants of the night expressed their readiness in backing potential leaders whom they termed as allies of the new generation.
Although our communities have gone too far in a sort of rotten culture that undermines the youth, enthusiastic youngsters at the conference have said in a loud voice “enough is enough” from now henceforth, we assume responsibilities and take charge. For years now complacency was the norm thus taking the youth for granted, meaning that our communities have shown apparent disregard for the youth, denying them chances of participating in the country’s policy-making or leadership in general.
As a result the youth are never engaged in issues that matters such as decision-making process which directly affects them in many ways. Today Somalia not only requires but also demands active youth involvement in the country’s political arena.
It is the high time for our people to embrace youth engagement so that our country is transformed from the valleys of darkness to the mountains of prosperity. Taken together, restoring the role of youth in leadership, Somalia will make measurable progress with in reasonable time.
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