Somali forces launch operation to hunt robbers in Wanlaweyn


Somali forces launched security operations in several suburbs of Wanlaweyn town to hunt robbers who have been terrorising residents during the night.

Deputy district commissioner, Yusuf Abdi said residents tipped off the forces about gunmen who rob the residents during.

“After reports of robbing we sent our forces to launch operation to pursue the criminals,” said Abdi.

According to locals, gunmen were reported to have been stopping and robbing motorists on the bypass in the town for the last one week.

Moalim Ali, a victim,said gunmen who clad in SNA uniform had tried to rob him on Friday afternoon but they escaped after they saw an oncoming vehicle on the opposite side of the road.

commenting on the security operation Ali said, “People have called for this before, but this is the first time that anything remotely approaching this has ever actually happened,”