Somali clerics have shrugged off the 30% quota for women in the upcoming polls noting the provision is not in conformity with Islam and could be detrimental to collapse of society. On Monday Idale News Online Reports.
In a statement Monday, the Somalia Clerics Association called on Somalis not to agree with quota system which seeks to enhance the participation of women in governance.
“Somali Religious Council cautions the nation against the so called quota system for women in politics. It is a non- Muslim driven agenda that will lead to disintegration of the society,” the clerics said.
They further called on Somali people to ‘respect the promises entrusted upon them by the religion by ensuring moral values and God fearing leader to power and not drug addicts or dealers into leadership’.
The 2016 electoral guidelines based on the country’s political road map as agreed by the National Leadership Forum provides that 30% of the seats in both houses of parliament shall be reserved for women.
It means therefore that at least 82 member out of the 275 members of the Lower House will be women while 16 members of the 54 member Upper House will be women.
Though the 30% provision is not enshrined into law and largely a gentleman’s agreement, the campaign to increase women’s presence in the country’s national discourse has gained traction not just among stakeholders at international but also at local level.