SNA and AMISOM meet in Qoryoley over worsening security


The commanders of Somali National Army (SNA) and AMISOM forces held a special meeting in Qoryoley, to discuss the city’s worsening security situation and rampant Al shabaab attacks.

The officials at meeting focused on ways to deal with the growing insecurity acts and restore peace and stability of Qoryoley, some 120Km south west of Mogadishu, according to Qoryoley DC Mohamed Hajji Osman.

The city fell to SNA and AMISOM in 2014 after military offensive.

Mr. Osman denied reports of an Al shabaab ambush attack on his army escorting convoy outside the town. The militants staged massive attacks on AMISOM bases in Lower Shabelle region in the past.

SNA and AMISOM troops have recaptured several key towns, including Marko and Barawe  from Al shabaab in last few years, but the militants remained posing threat to the allied forces.