Roadside bomb hits AU troops’ convoy in Somalia


A remote-controlled powerful land-mine blast ripped through a military convoy transporting African Union troops in southern Somalia on Monday, Witnesses said. on monday Idale News Online Reports.

The AU military convoy was targeted in IED planted on a highway between El-Baraf and Adaley villages, located in the outskirts of Mahaday town in middle Shabelle province.

The bomb has destroyed one of the vehicles in the convoy, though the casualties were not immediately known. AU troops clashed with Al shabaab fighters shortly after explosion.

Sources said AMISOM soldiers have indiscriminately opened fire on a nearby civilians, killing a cattle herder and wounded four others after the Al Shabaab militants’ ambush attack.

AMISOM did not comment on the attack, which was the latest in series of ambushes by Al shabaab on the AU and SNA convoys in southern Somalia.