President Obama speaking at a press conference in Lima, Peru, actually said, “I’m extremely proud we haven’t had any scandals during my eight years in office.”
He never said dozens of times that with Obamacare, you can keep your doctor, nor did he say, there’s not a smidgeon of corruption at the IRS, and he didn’t know anything about Fast & Furious, of course he never said Benghazi was about a video, and he didn’t violate the law with his amnesty by memo, no, that wasn’t him!
“And a a consequence, I will knock on wood here because we have two months left”, he told the Peruvians in all seriousness, “I am extremely proud of the fact that over eight years we have fought had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations. When I met with the president-elect I suggested to him having a strong White House counsel that could provide clear guide posts and rules would benefit him and benefit his team because it would eliminate a lot of ambiguity.”