NORWAY Opposition Want PM Khayre Citizenship Stripped Off


Norway opposition Progress Party on Thursday called for the stripping off of Somalia Prime Minister  designate Hassan Khayre’s Norwegian citizenship, a leading Norwegian news outlet has reported.

The  Progress Party Spokesman  Mazyar Keshvari said they will be moving to have Khayre citizenship stripped off if he takes up the office as Prime Minister of Somalia , NKR news outlet reported.

The Spokesman says that Khayre is no longer in need of Norwegian citizenship as he is no longer a refugee.
The party says his return to Somalia and assumption of the position proves that the country he fled from is safer and therefore no longer needs the Scandinavian country’s passport
Khayre has a Somali and Norwegian dual citizenship.

Khayre was before Thuraday the Executive Director of Soma Oil and Gas Company  was picked as PM  by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and awaits parliament approval

Three of the top Somali Government officials have dual citizenship. The President Farmaajo has an American passport and Speaker Mohamed Jawari is  also Norwegian citizen.

It is not clear why the Norwegian opposition has remained silent over Jawari’s assumption of Somalia’s third most influential  position of the Speaker of  Parliament.