United Kingdom’s new ambassador to Somalia Mr David Concar has officially arrived in Mogadishu to resume diplomatic duties in the horn of Africa nation.
The new ambassador will replace Harriet Matthew who had been transferred to another diplomatic service according to a recent changes made by the UK gov’t.
David Concar has approached in Mogadishu at a time Somalia is holding its elections. The envoy would be briefed by the embassy staff over the country’s progress as nation aims to elect new president in an anticipated election which is severely criticized by the int’l partners.
Somalia is in the middle of an election, so my first priority will be to ensure UK continues to work as effectively as it can to support Somalia in making a success of that “the ambassador has said in a video clip posted on twitter.
“I know my team at the embassy have been following it step by step and I am really looking forward to get in the latest news from them when I arrive” he said.
.@DConcar first thoughts on #Somalia as he takes his first ride to #British Embassy #Mogadishu #Newhome pic.twitter.com/HJyt4LJW7l
— UK in Somalia (@UKinSomalia) January 12, 2017
David Concar who has performed diplomatic services in China will be third envoy that UK appoints to Somalia since it re-opened its embassy in Somalia in 2013.