Muslims Have Spoken: We will leave the USA


Muslims pray as they take part in a protest against presidential candidate Donald Trump outside of his office in Manhattan, New York December 20, 2015. As we heard it before, if Donald Trump becomes our president, he would deport all the illegal immigrants including the Muslim.

 Among one of the countless things that Donald Trump has unjustly been accused of being racist for is his call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until the threat of ISIS is squashed. Apparently liberals think that Islam is a race, even though most Muslim I’ve ever met in my home-state has been white. How “progressive” to assume that every Muslim is an Arab.
 Trump’s policy has been misconstrued as saying that he wants to ban Muslims from living in America, which is a gross miss-characterization of what he actually advocated for. Jimmy Carter put some restrictions on Iranian immigration when they had Americans in captivity, but no one cried “Islamophobia” in the 1970s, because liberals hadn’t yet invented such a pointless buzzword aimed at silencing dissent yet.
 Also, are liberals forgetting that their most famous president, FDR, rounded up the Japanese and put them in internment camps ? Trump’s Muslim ban is moderate by comparison.

Trump isn’t going to be deporting any Muslims, but they’re threatening to self-deport if he’s elected, as video reported in Hillary Daily shows :