Journalists should refrain from exacerbating the tensions in Galkayo


The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), urges all journalists and media in Galkayo town of central Somalia to avoid reporting and coverage that reignites the ongoing conflict in the divided city of Galkayo.

It came to our attention that some of the FM stations in both sides of Galkayo town were holding radio and TV debates over the recent conflicts. These debates were not professionally moderated and could easily create more violence and animosity among the two sides.

Irresponsible reporting could spark further escalations among local residents and lead to the loss of innocent lives. Therefore, we call upon all local media to remain impartial and responsible while respecting the ethics of journalism and editorial guidelines.

Fortunately, some of the local journalists behaved responsibly and were an example to others.

“National Union of Somali Journalists praises some local journalists and media in Galkayo, who decided to address and report the ongoing crises carefully and responsibly. History will tell how everyone behaved” said Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu NUSOJ Secretary General.

Liban Ajiib Haji, a prominent correspondent in Galkayo and member of National Union of Somali Journalists, believes that Some media and journalists were overwhelmed and influenced by the aspirations and the desire of their own local authorities in the respective areas. Liban encouraged journalists from all sides to remain impartial.

On the other hand, it is important that journalists take a great care while reporting from hostile areas. We call on all journalists to make their physical safety their top priority.

According to CPJ’s journalists’ security guide, Journalists should always prioritize their own safety. No story is worth anyone’s life, and if one is to be killed or becomes ill from exposure, one would become a burden instead of an asset.

General Secretary of National Union of Somali Journalists
Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu