Galmudug President Abdikarim Guled : We went Emirates to end the war in Galkaayo


Galmudug State President Abdikarim Guled has rubbished the recent speculations that Emirates wants to influence Somalia’s 2016 Elections.

A number of Somali political candidates criticized UAE for what they see as elections’ interference after it invited regional leaders in Abou Dubia last week.

But the state president said the invitation was about ending the hostility in Galkaayo and has nothing to do with Somali elections.

“Many bad things has been said about our trip to Emirates, including that Emirates favors one clan against other in the elections”  said the Galmudg president.

He [President Guled of Galmudug] praised the Emirates role in ending the war in Galkaayo and helping Somalia according to him.

“We praise Emirates on its role to end the war in Galkaayo and overall help of Somalia, the good practice is not to criticize the people who come to help you” said the president.

Somali presidential candidates criticized Emirates over  what they called interfering Somali elections by favoring specific candidates.