Galgadud & Mudug traditional leaders: We decided to extend 25 days for the reconciliation conference in Dhusamareb – INO


Dhusamareeb(INO)-To: Somali Federal Government, UN, AU, EU, IGAD, Arab league, UK and US Envoys to Somalia.

Galgadud & Mudug traditional leaders welcome international partner’s joint press release, supporting grassroots initiative of Mediation underway in Guriel as well as the ongoing reconciliation and peace building process in Dhusamareeb for Galgadud and Mudug regions.

As leaders of these two regions, we demand Somali military and ASWJ forces to sustain agreed cease fire from the mediation teams and we request from international community to support the decisions made by the mediation team. Similarly, we appeal to AMISOM forces in the region to intervene and protect cease fire agreement reached in Guriel.

We appeal IGAD, AMISOM and Djibouti brothers Contingent to contribute the smooth-running of the ongoing reconciliation and peace building process in Galgadud and Mudug regions. We politely request Djibouti government in particular to remain impartial in any aspect regarding the current volatile situation in the area.

The ongoing reconciliation conference in Dhusamareeb, voluntarily convened and led by the traditional leaders, is the first of its kind held in 25 years in the region. Seemingly, the SFG is reluctant to support the reconciliation and peace building process in Dhusamareeb, preferring top-down rather than bottom-up approach. Therefore, we request from International Community and SFG to fully endorse the outcome of the ongoing reconciliation and peace-building conference in Dhusamareeb.

To implement the recent agreed cease fire and complete the reconciliation process in Dhusamareeb, we (the traditional leaders of Galgadud and Mudug regions) decided to extend 25 days for the on-going first phase reconciliation conference – starting from 1st March to 25th March 2015. The extension is mainly because:-

1- Partially crucial meeting among the clans is still remaining.

2- Some of important traditional leaders are still engaged ongoing mediation process in Guricel.

In conclusion, we request from SFG and international community to strongly support the ongoing reconciliation and peace-building conference politically and financially. Furthermore, we request from the international community to provide humanitarian assistance for the HHs affected by the current crisis in Guriel.

Traditional Leaders’ Reference and Chair committee in Galgaduud and Mudug reconciliation and Peace building conference in Dhuusamareeb.

1-      Ugaas Hassan Ugaas Mohamed Ugaas Nur

2-      Sultaan Ahmed Hassan Hussein

3-      Sultan Salad Ahmed Ceynte

4-      Ugaas Ahmed Ugaas Farah

5-      Sultan Hassan Abdulle Kariye

6-      Sultan Abdulle Mo’alim Ibrahim

7-      Nabadoon Ciise Macalin Mohamud

8-      Ugaas Haaruun Ugaas Mohamed Ugaas Farah

9-      Duub Guud Jamac Mohamed Halane.

Idale News Online, Dhusamareb.


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