Communiqué issued from IGAD summit in Mogadishu


The Summit was attended by H.E. Uhuru Muigoi Kenyotto, President of the Republic of Kenya: H.E. Hosson Sheikh Mohomud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia; H.E. Yoweri Koguto Museveni, President of the Republic of IJgando; H.S. Mohomoud Ali Youssouf, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Djbouti; H.E. Mohamed Youslf Abdelmonnon, Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to Somalia; and

  • Mohboub Mohamed Moolim, Executive Secretary of

The Summif was also attended by the representatives of the United Nations (UN). the African onion Commission, the League of Arab States and the European Union. It was briefed by H.E. Mohomed  A. Alley, IGAD Special Envoy to Somalio. After holding extensive discussions on this›     cJe›v‹s›lofz›m‹s›nts      in     SomolicJ.     the     Summit      issued     the     following


The Summit:

I.  Reaffirmed its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence, and unity of Somalia:

  1. Welcomed the update of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) on the implementation of the 2016 electoral process;
  1. reiterate the ownership of the FGS in leading and setting the priorities for its stobilizofion and recOnStrucfion lFi OF Off-lnClUSf Vé manner:

4.      Commended the recent Somoli National Leadership Forum (NLF) meeting in Mogodishu on the 20a 6 electorol roadmap and endorsed its outcome;

  1. Welcomed the FGS commitment to a credible, transparent and inclusive electoral mechanism towards o peaceful and democratic transition;
  1. Encouraged all Somalis to participate in the 2016 electoral process ond hoped thot free ond foir elections ore conducted within the timelines;
  1. Commended the progress mode in the stote formotion of the country and encouraged the swift completion of Hiraan and Middle Shabelle State formation;
  1. Requested the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to provide all necessary security to the electoral process;
  1. Condemned the recent Al Shaboob ottock against the AMISOM and the Somoli National Army (SNA] in Somolio and their continued attacks against the civilian population:

i 0. Coiled upon A/v\lSOM troops and the Somalia Security Forces to expond their operations, deol with evolving terror threats and immediately recover the remaining areas controlled by Al Shabaob;

  1. Colled for the establishment of an economic recovery fund with support from the region and the international community:
  1. Urged the international community to support the FGS

connectivity ond social services through the IGAD Third-Party

Financing Mechanism and ony other bilateral arrongements;

  1. Reaffirmed the strong solidarity among IGAD Member States and their commitment to continue supporting the stability of Somalia;

14.Expressed oppreciotion for international partners and organizations that are currently providing financial. material ond technical assistonce to the FGS;

  1. Strongly condemned and deplored those seeking to destabilize the security, peace and stability of the country, ond urges all