Monday, March 31, 2025

DP William Ruto says Kenya keen to stabilise Somalia, open embassy in Mogadisho –...

Nairobi (INO)-Deputy President William Ruto Friday said Kenya would assist in stabilising individual states of the Federal Government of Somalia as prerequisite to bringing...

Member of Somalia Parliament Dies in an Explosion – INO

Mogadisho(INO)- Member of parliament Omar Ali Nuur (Omar Furdug) and the Deputy Banadir Regional Commissioner of the Regional Political Dept. Mohamed Adan Guuleed (Ano Geel)...

Al-Shabab Claims Mogadisho Centeral Hotel Attack – INO

Muqdisho(INO)_Somali officials say the country’s deputy prime minister was wounded and at least six others killed in an attack by al-Shabab militants on a...

Suicide attack targets Somali officials in hotel, kills 20 people – INO

Mogadishu(INO)- Islamist rebels detonated a car bomb at the entrance of a Hotel in the Somali capital on Friday and then stormed inside where politicians had...

Dhageyso: Xoolo Dhaqato Lagu Dilay Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe

Warsheekh(INO)-Dad Xoolo dhaqato ayaa ku dagaalamay Deegaano ku dhow Degmooyinka Warshiiq iyo Raaga Ceele ee Gobolka Sh/dhexe. Wariyaha Mustaqbal Bashiir Cali ayaa sheegay in ugu...

Men Dead cleric had been undertaken In Baidoa – INO

Baidoa(INO)-South West  Administration has been put to death since the last week in Baidoa, Bay region suffered cleric and son. Minister of Natural Resources and...

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