Beesha Warsangeli Abgaal oo War-Saxaafadeed ay soo Saartey ku caddeysey in Shiikh Shariif uu ka Hor yimid Xildhbaan ay soo Xusheen


Anagoo kale ah oday dhaqameedyada Beesha Warsangeli Harti-Abgaal Mudulood ee Qabiilka Hawiye waxaan si isku duuban u caleemo saarnay inuu xubinteena Baarlamaan nagu matalo xildhibaan C/Qaadir Cosoble Cali. Waxaana u gudbinay go’aan keenkaas Imaam Maxamed Yuusuf, waxaase nasiib daro ah in Madax weyne Sheikh Sharif uu diiday codeyntii iyo doorashadii oday dhaqameedyada Warsangeli asagoo ku dhaliilayo xildhibaan C/Qadir Cosoble Cali inuusan u codeyn doonin soo noqodkiisa Madaxweyne.

Dawladdaha caalamka waxay ku celcelsheen ineysan u dulqaadan doonin faragelinta xulitaanka Barlamaanka Soomaaliyeed ee UNka soo abaabulay, hadaba hadda waxaa taagan arrin u baahan wax ka qabad.

Madaxweynaha intaas kuma ekeysan arintiisa balse waxaan heynaa cadeymo cad cad inuu maalgeliyey dhibaatadda maanta Warsengeli ka dhex socoto, uuna si xaqdaro ah ugu takri falayo hantida Qaranka ayuu carqaladeyna habka xulashada xildhibaanada cusub isagoo laaluush iyo handadaad intaba ku dayaaya. Waxaan aaminsanahay in ficilada uu sameynayo Madaxweyne Sharif aysan ku ekeyn Warsangeli balse uu qalalaase ka dhexwado dhamaan Jufooyinka Beesha Hawiye. Sidaa darteed Madaxweynaha wuxuu u bareeray inuu wax musuq maasaqo wadadii xaqa aheydna ka leexiyo Democratic Process.

Strateejiyada laaluushka iyo handadaad iyo khilaafka soo jireenka ah ee la sii hurinaayo ma aha oo kaliyah sharci daro balse waa xadgudub caalami ah. Nasiib daro, hadii arrinta dhamaystirka ka bixid ku meel gaarka ee Dawladda uu fashil ku yimaado waxaa masuul ka aha Madaxweynaha.

Waxaan leenahay hadii aan nahay oday dhaqameedyada Warsangeli hadii aan wax laga bedelin sida hadda loo xulayo xubnaha Baarlamaanka lagana qabanin ku takrifalka uu ku hayo Madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif Beesha Warsangeli iyo dhamaan Beelaha Hawiye ma jireyso hab dhaqan loo siman yahay ee lagu xulayo xubnaha cusub taas oo diideysa sinaanta iyo cadaalada la doonayo in caqabada looga saaro Umadda Soomaalida. Intaa waxaa dheer in arimahaas sharci darada ah ay hoos u dhigeyso Aqoonsiga guud ay u hayso Umadda Soomaaliyeed Baarlamaanka. Anaga kama soo horjeedno in Madaxweyne Sharif uu mar labaad isu soo taago xilka Madaxweynenimo balse waxaan ka soo horjeednaa in xilka loo maro wado aan sharci aheyn. Sidaa darteed waxaan ka codsaneynaa in la tixgeliyo oday dhaqameedyada Warsangeli iyo doorashada Xildhibaan C/Qaadir Cosoble Cali.

Nabadoonada Beesha Warsangeli
Nabadoon Xaaji Axmed Maxemd Kurtun:_________
Nabadoon Sheikh Axmed Cali Xasan:___________
Nabadoon Xaaji Xuseen Tuuryare (Cadde):______
Nabadoon Cali Sabriye Kaliil:_______________
Nabadoon Maxamed Rooble Calasow:____________
Nabadoon Xabad Toxob Afrax:_________________
Nabadoon Xaaji Xassan Seemey Absuge:_________
Nabadoon Sheikh Maxamuud Cabdulle Yalaxow:__
Nabadoon Macalin Axmed Maxamuud Cali:______
Nabadoon Xuseen Guure Calasow:____________
Nabadoon Faradar Maxamuud Cagwayn:________
Nabadoon Maxamed Cadow Cali:______________
Nabadoon Maxamed Qaylshe:_________________

Intimidation Must Not Shape the Selection Process of the Next Parliament of Somalia

We, the undersigned Chiefs of Warsangeli subclan/Hartiabgaal/Mudulood of Hawiye tribe, unanimously selected Abdulkadir Osoble Ali to represent Warsangeli and to become the next Warsangeli member of Somali parliament. Warsangeli submitted the name of their choice Mr. Abdulkadir Osoble Ali to the head of Mudulood, Imam Mohamed Yusuf. Unfortunately the people’s choice was rejected by the President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed through meddling and with an intention to prevent progressive intellectuals from becoming political leaders of the clan.

The international community has repeatedly said that they will not tolerate those subverting the electoral process that the UN has constructed. Here is the UN’s obvious chance to follow through on their public commitments, and ensure that the electoral process, as constructed by the UN, is not obstructed. We have evidence that the President and his cronies have been financing and creating divisions and unnecessary conflicts within the Warsangeli sub-clan. Moreover, he is using state resources to bribe and intimidate clan elders.

As a consequence the President is intentionally corrupting and derailing the democratic process. These bribery schemes and the intimidation of the elders are not only immoral but it is also illegal under the Somali and International laws. It is high time for the International Community, particularly the United Nations Political Office for Somalia to urgently intervene this situation and ensure the legitimate will of Warsangeli Elders is accepted to move forward with the formation of the next parliament which should be effective and thoroughly transparent.

Failure to intervene will certainly lead to a renewed mistrust among Somalis as that prolongs the conflict and chaos in the country. Moreover, it will undermine the legitimacy of the future Somali Parliament. We don’t oppose the President’s ambition for reelection, but what we don’t accept is the outright attempt to get re-elected by all means necessary, including intimidations and the outright imposition on Warsangeli Elders to deny the rightful choice of the people. To ensure fairness in the process, we demand an equal plain field for all candidates to the new parliament and that includes honoring the Warsangeli candidate Mr. Abdulkadir Osoble Ali.

Chiefs of Warsangeli Subclan

1. Nabadoon Xaaji Axmed Maxemd Kurtun:__________
2. Nabadoon Sheikh Axmed Cali Xasan:____________
3. Nabadoon Xaaji Xuseen Tuuryare (Cadde):______
4. Nabadoon Cali Sabriye Kaliil:________________
5. Nabadoon Maxamed Rooble Calasow:_____________
6. Nabadoon Xabad Toxob Afrax:__________________
7. Nabadoon Xaaji Xassan Seemey Absuge:_________
8. Nabadoon Sheikh MaxamuudCabdulle:____________
9. Nabadoon Macalin Axmed Maxamuud Cali:________
10. Nabadoon Xuseen Guure Calasow:_________________
11. Nabadoon Faradar Maxamuud Cagwayn:____________
12. Nabadoon Maxamed Cadow Cali:__________________
13. Nabadoon Maxamed Qaylshe:____________________

Idale News Online “INO” Muqdisho