Even if only 1% are terrorists like the delusional left wants you to believe, then that is THOUSANDS of terrorists flooding Western countries as we speak…wake the hell up people, they are a catastrophe in every country they have reached so far.
US President-elect Donald Trump promised to “keep America safe” by cracking down on immigration from the Middle East and focusing his foreign policy on “stability.”
Speaking to thousands of supporters in Cincinnati, Ohio as part of what his staff have billed as a “Thank you” tour of the American Midwest, Trump seemed to reiterate key campaign promises about Muslim immigration and a wall on the Mexican border.
“The job of the president is to keep America safe, and that will always be my highest priority,” Trump said.
“We will do everything in our power to keep the scourge of terrorism out of our country. People are pouring in from regions of the Middle East. We have no idea who they are, where they come from, what they’re thinking. And we’re going to stop that dead, cold, flat,” he said.
“People coming into the country have to have the potential to love us, not to hate us,” he said.
He added: “We will stop looking to topple regimes. Our goal is stability, not chaos, because we want to rebuild our country. It’s time.”
Trump also used the address to take a stance against hatreds: “We condemn bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms,” he said. “We denounce all of the hatred and we forcefully reject the language of exclusion and separation. We have no choice. We have to, and it’s better.”