Allied forces launch joint Demining Operations


The African Union peacekeeping forces in Somalia known as (AMISOM) have launched a joint Demining Operation in the country’s southern Lower Shabelle region.

In a Twitter post, AMISOM said the mine clearance operation continues since Thursday on the main roads that link Qoryoley town to nearby Janaale and Beled-Amin villages in Lower Shabelle region.

“Somali National Army (SNA) and AMISOM troops have been clearing the Main Supply Route from Buufow – Qoryooley – Baledamin to Janaale, of IEDs,” said AMISOM in the Twitter feed.

AMISOM said the land mine clearance exercises have started yesterday (Thursday) and will continue until the IEDs have all been cleared from the roads.

However,  most communities in south-central Somalia suffer from a degree of explosive remnants of war (ERW) contamination; few have the support or capacity to deal with these threats.