Arrested Journalist released from custody in Jowhar


Abdishakur Shaashaa the Director of Radio City FM in Jowhar was released from custody after more than forty-eight hours of detention at the Intelligence center in Jowhar. 

Shaashaa was arrested on Saturday evening, 09 July. 2016 after the local authority accused him for airing speeches and giving platforms of anti-peace elements despite no justifiable reason yet issued from administration.

A Journalist Abdishakur Shaashaa who talked to the phone NUSOJ Secretary General Mohamed Moalimuu around 12:00 midnight local time minutes after he was released said

“Thanks to God, I was freed unconditionally about twenty-five minutes ago and I have just reached to my house. I am indeed quite sorry to spend in jail more than two days without unclear reason and false allegations from Middle Shabelle administration and I feel this is a direct pressure against independent media “

Asked about if he was tortured during the two days he spent in the detention center Mr Shaashaa answered “I was treated well while I was arrested but I lost my personal freedom and I still don’t know why I was detained; it was really unfair to me that” He added.

NUSOJ has been pressurizing to Jowhar administration to free the journalist since he was jailed on Saturday evening and was regularly contacting to the members of Jowhar local authority and now welcome his release.

Nusoj Secretary General Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu said “We are very sorry that arbitrary arrest is still going on in Somalia while our provisional constitution calls for freedom of speech and the press. We can see some administrations have taken a heavy-handed approach towards the media but we demand all parties of Somalia to respect freedom of expression and safeguard journalists working in the hard circumstances Moalimuu added.

City FM is expected to resume its operations on Tuesday morning.

On the other hand, NUSOJ shows solidarity with Media Association of Puntland (MAP) following the recent restrictions imposed by Puntland Information Ministry.

In an official letter from Puntland Information Minister Mohamud Hassan Soadde ordered all Puntland media outlets to send to the Ministry a list containing in service journalists for each journalist to get new accreditations not later than July 25.

National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is deeply concern the growing pressure from Minster Soadde targeting to media and reiterates its call for Puntland government to ensure media freedom.

General Secretary of National Union of Somali Journalists
Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu