Somali security minister outlines security plan for Mogadishu


The ministry of internal security of the federal government of Somalia has held an organized meeting in Mogadishu, to discuss ways to boost up city’s city.

The ministry has outlined its security schema for the capital during the holy month of Ramadan and the forthcoming parliamentary and presidential elections due to take place by the end of 2016.

According to Abdikamil Mo’alin Shukri who is the spokesman of the internal security ministry of Somalia, heads of Mogadishu’s security agencies were in attendance at the high level seminar on the security.

“The ministry gave a security plan to security agencies that defines vision for the Mogadishu’s security,” said the spokesman.

The security ministry said it has laid down the steps towards guarding against security threats, protecting the city’s residents from possible Al shabaab attacks during elections.