Puntland raises red flag over changes to the electoral model


The semi-autonomous regional state of Puntland has raised alarm over changes to the electoral model as Somali federal parliament is debates proposals submitted by the National Leadership Forum, NLF.

In presidential statement, Puntland accused Somalia’s parliament leadership of hindering the Somalia’s Election Proposal (SEP) and paving way for extension of the current government beyond mandated term.

“As the country in transitional period, Puntland agreed that the 4.5 clan model shall be used as a criteria to select any member of the Federal Parliament in the upcoming 2016 elections but the federal parliament is interfering with the process in order to create new political chaos that can lead to extension of period for the current government,” Puntland said.

It noted “On April 4, Federal government and Puntland state agreed to a model for 2016 electoral process and the 2020 roadmap. The implementation would be closely monitored by international community but the federal government is misleading the process.”

According sources the 26-member selected parliamentary committee which was selected to review Somalia’s Election Proposal (SEP) have reduced the electoral college of 50 members for each MP to be elected to the Lower House to 31.

On 10th this month, Somalia’s Federal parliament have begun debating the modality adopted for 2016 elections amid talks of possible delay in polls.