The administration of Lower Shabelle told that they had cleared most of the illegal checkpoints as they laid the gangs off from roads and now the security is probably reliable.
Ibrahim Adan Ali, the PC of Lower Shabelle said that most of the illegal checkpoints were marched out of the roads and added that there are some illegal checkpoints scattered all over the long road between Baydhaba and Mogadishu.
The foodstuff that is brought in the region, he said, is mainly from the capital Mogadishu and that the vegetables and green-groceries sold in Mogadishu are taken from the Lower Shabelle region. “So illegal checkpoints usually hinder these business activities which the life of the people basically rely on them.” he said.
Control bases of the army are located at the main way to Leego, he mentioned–adding that there are certain numbers of illegal checkpoints somewhere in Marka that harass and harm the passengers and they are planning to deal with them.