SNA troops attack Al shabaab near Mahaday – INO


Mahadey(INO)- A fierce fighting between Al shabaab fighters and Somali federal government troops erupted on Thursday at the suburbs of Middle Shabelle regional district of Mahaday.

The battle broke out after Somali National Army (SNA) forces raided Al Shabaab bases at Meertuugo village, 35Km east of Mahaday town as part of cleanup operation.

According to Colonel Ali Abdisalam, a senior Somali military commander in the area said SNA inflicted heavy unspecified losses on Al shabaab fighters during the attack.

He said one SNA soldier was wounded in the firefight. Al Shabaab has yet to comment on the deadly clashes in Middle Shabelle region.

Meertuugo village still remains under Al shabaab control, according to local residents who said the situation has returned to normal and business is back on Thursday following the SNA attack.

Idale News Online,

English News Desk


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