President Hassan Sheikh condemns the terrorist attack – INO


Muqdisho(INO)-President of the Somali Federal Government, H.E. Hassan Sh. Mohamud has strongly condemned the terrorist attack which occurred in the capital Mogadishu today on Friday. 


“I am very sorry to evil acts of the group against peace and stability in Somalia by killing Muslim people praying in a mosque at Central Hotel in the capital Mogadishu, may the dead one rest souls rest in Janna and wish the injured for quick recovery”, Hassan said.

The president added that such attack would deter the government in fulfiling its main task for serving its people and called residents to work with the secuirty forces.

President Hassan’s condemnation comes hours after heavy car bomb suicide attack took place at a very busy hotel in Hamar-weyne distict in Benadir region killing atleast five people and wounding more others on the spot.

Some of national lawmakers and active politicians are among the dead and injured people in today’s attack according to the reports and officials.

Omar Ali Nor Furtug, an mp and deputy governor of Benadir regional Administration, Mohamed Adan Guled are confirmed dead in the terrorist attack today on Friday as the exact cassaulties of the attack is under investigation according to Minister of Information, Mareye.

The Government officials and politicians were praying the Friday prayer when the attack was happending accoding to the offficials. Al-qaeda linked group of Al-Shabab has claimed the responsibility of the attack.

Idale News Online/English News Service.


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